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Vincenzo Rubanoon · one minute reading.Primarily developed at Google, Lighthouse is a tool that provides “Automated auditing, performance metrics, and best practices for the web”. The available audits include a comprehensive, detailed accessibility report that can be generated for any web page. Under the hood, Lighthouse leverages the axe-core framework to perform accessibility testing.
This tool is available in different flavors:
- it is integrated in Google Chrome developer tools: from the “audits tab”;
- it can be run as a command line tool (it requires Node.JS and Chrome to be installed on the machine executing it);
- it can be used programmatically as a module from within Node.JS based projects;
- it is available as a web service that requires no setup, as it powers the PageSpeed insights; please notice that, given its nature, PageSpeed Insights can only analyze web pages and applications that are publicly available, I.E. those that can be reached via a public URL and do not require authentication to be viewed.