Authoring Tools Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) 2.0

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Vincenzo Rubano
on · 2 minutes reading.

Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) 2.0 is a W3C recommendation that provides guidelines for designing web content authoring tools that are both more accessible to people with disabilities and designed to enable, support, and promote the production of more accessible web content by all authors. These guidelines apply both to manual tools (such as Content Management Systems), and automated tools (such as automatic format conversion processes).

This recommendation is divided in two parts: in part A, principles and guidelines to make the authoring tool accessible itself are provided; in part B, principles and guidelines to promote and support the creation of accessible content are described. Put in other words, in part A ATAG 2.0 explain how to make the authoring tool comply with WCAG 2.1, while in part B they explain how to make the tool itself both support and promote the creation of content that complies with WCAG 2.1.

The structure of this recommendation reflects the same ideas behind WCAG 2.1, providing guidelines that are “abstract enough” so as to be valid no matter what the language, technology and tools used to develop the authoring tool are, yet practically enough so as to be testable. Additional support resources (both informative and educative ones) on how to meet ATAG 2.0, along with concrete and practical examples, are provided in separate documents.

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