What's New in Accessibility (WWDC 2017)

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Vincenzo Rubano
on · one minute reading.

In this video from Apple World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC) 2017 some assistive technologies built into each iOS device are illustrated, providing examples on how to make them work better when they are properly supported by app developers in their products. In particular, after a brief overview of how some assistive technologies work across Apple platforms, you can learn:

  • how to audit your own app for accessibility, looking at what the current accessibility experience for assistive technology users is like;
  • take a look at some of the basics of Apple’s accessibility API, and how you can take advantage of it to solve some of the issues you find during your audit;
  • have a look at some of Apple’s more advanced APIs to help you solve some common problems that you might find while making your own apps accessible.

Finally, some accessibility considerations that you should make when implementing the drag-and-drop in iOS 11 are made.

Note: a transcript for the video is available from its official page.

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