EPUB 3.2

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Vincenzo Rubano
on · one minute reading.

Published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) as a working group specification, this document describes version 3.2 of EPUB, a format that provides a means of representing, packaging and encoding structured and semantically enhanced Web content for distribution in a single-file container.

Given its characteristics, the EPUB format has been widely adopted as the format for digital books (ebooks). It supports a wide range of publication requirements, including the ability to create complex layouts, embed rich media content (audio, video, images, etc.) and math formulas, provide interactivity (forms, dynamic content, etc.), and offer global typography features. In contrast with other, more traditional formats (such as PDF), EPUB focuses a lot on the semantics: content is embedded in ways that make it easy to extract semantically correct information.

The EPUB format can be utilized for a broad range of content, including books, magazines and educational, professional and scientific publications.

The EPUB format is modular in nature: it consists of a family of specifications that define the core features and functionality of the standard. They include HTML, CSS, SVG, MathML, and many others.

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