Abbyy FineReader PDF

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Vincenzo Rubano
on · one minute reading.

Introduced by their creators as “the smarter PDF solution”, Abbyy FineReader PDF is de-facto the leading solution with regards to digitizing documents by means of an OCR process, both scanned images and image-PDF files.

In this edition, Abbyy FineReader provides all the features needed to scan, convert and edit scanned images and PDF documents; it can save files in various document formats including PDF, HTML, DOCX (Microsoft Word)), open document formats and many, many more. It can export both the exact representation of a document (e.g. its scanned image), or the end result after performing the OCR process; other than providing a very high quality OCR system, Abbyy FineReader can also preserve the original layout of the document in the resulting file exported after the process.

Finally, it provides several features that make working with multi-page documents (e.g. books) a breeze: unsurprisingly, over the years Abbyy FineReader has become one of the leaders (if not “the leader”) in the OCR solutions market.

Abbyy FineReader is a commercial desktop application, available under different license terms that make it more suitable for different usage scenarios; it is available for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, iOS and Android.

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