
Posted by

Vincenzo Rubano
on · one minute reading.

Developed by Giuseppe Di Grande (an Italian blind programmer), Biblos is a free, accessible word processor that provides many features that make it suitable for usage both by people with disabilities and the production of accessible content for people with disabilities. In particular, other than the features you would expect from any word processor, Biblos provides innovative characteristics such as:

  • Intuitive ways to prepare a document for Braille printing, as well as support for embossing it (requires a Braille Embossers);
  • A comprehensive set of features to produce tactile graphics for the blind, that can be easily embossed in Braille; these graphics can be produced within the program itself (with different methods suitable both for sighted people and the visually impaired), as well as by converting existing images.
  • Features suitable for producing audio books containing the spoken equivalent of text documents (by means of TTS voices) in various formats (including DAISY.

In addition to this, Biblos provides excellent support to make reading and writing documents in ancient greek accessible, and implements some features that can be very useful while creating rich documents as a blind (or visually impaired) person.

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